Does This Sound Like An 'Abduction'

Or An Anxiety Attack?

After 2 years of soul searching and reading a few other accounts, I "think" that I have truly had an abduction experience, whatever that truly is.

To me it was a terrifying thing to be laying there helpless with little guys picking me up. The feeling of helplessness, what little memory I have, whether or not there is missing time, is very vivid and seems like a memory of reality. The part that makes it hard for me to believe (besides the nature of the experience itself) is the fact that it ended so abruptly as if it was a dream or a hallucination.

But I can't stop thinking about the peculiar details that I do remember, such as the buzzing sound inside my head which began just as the vision of the oval craft appeared in my head. Its hard for me to accept as reality something like this. I never got up and looked out of the window. I just saw it coming down. Four lights arranged in a rectangular configuration with another light in the middle, and all of the lights were white. The buzzing sound coincided not only with the visual part of the experience, but also with the physical part as I could not move or make a sound, and I did try to call out to my wife.

Then they were suddenly in my room and picking me up. My eyes were wide open and I remember feeling them grabbing me very hard, and seeing that they were greyish white in the dark of my room. I do not remember any faces or big eyes like the pictures I have seen but I do remember they were as one color and the heads were bald and the same color as the rest of them.They seemed very strong for their size which seemed like about 4 feet.

After the whole thing ended, while I was trying to go back to sleep, a picture came into my mind of standing in front of the craft outside, in my underwear, looking at it. There was a door open on the bottom that would have been hard for me to get in. I don't think the whole thing was bigger than say, someone's bedroom.Although it had legs the body of the ship still seemed fairly low to the ground.

Anyway, that's all I remember. The "floating dream" which you had printed earlier took on a whole new meaning to me after this experience, actually after I read 'Intruders' by Bud Hopkins.

Anyway, thank you for allowing me to ramble on like this, I hope you don't think I'm as crazy as this all sounds. If you have any other thoughts about what I have told you, I would appreciate a reply. I have told only my wife and two very close friends about this so I guess part of me needed to vent the story. I'm even a little bit shaky just writing about it. I know I don't need to say this but I do wish this to remain anonymous.

Thanks for your time.